Wolf News


Stand for Mexican gray wolves in Roswell

Take a stand for endangered lobos at the NM Game Commission meeting.

Thursday, November 19th
New Mexico Military Institute
Pearson Auditorium
101 West College Blvd.
Roswell, NM 88201, USA (map)

The New Mexico Game Commission has shown itself hostile to Mexican gray wolf recovery, first ending its participation in the recovery program in 2011, then denying Ted Turner’s Ladder Ranch permits to assist with Mexican wolf recovery, and finally, denying the US Fish and Wildlife Service permits to release endangered wolves into New Mexico.

The Ladder Ranch appeal of the commission’s denial of their permit is item 7 on the agenda for the commission meeting on Nov. 19th. The full meeting agenda is here. The public will not be permitted to speak, but wolf advocates will distribute signs and stickers that can be used to silently express support for wolves.

The recovery of endangered Mexican wolves depends on facilities like the Ladder Ranch that help wolves transition from captivity to life in the wild.

Defenders of Wildlife and the Southwest Environmental Center will hold an event the night before the commission meeting, November 18th, at 7pm.

Join these groups and fellow wolf advocates for a screening of Lords of Nature at the Roswell Museum and Art Center to learn about the important ecological role that wolves fill in Yellowstone and elsewhere maintaining balance in the ecosystem. The film will be followed by a discussion of the important implications that can be applied to our own Mexican gray wolf population.

Please join us for one or both of these events to demonstrate your support for these magnificent animals.

If you can’t attend either event, you can help by contacting New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez.

Contact the Governor’s office and request respectfully that she put an end to her Commission’s anti-carnivore state wildlife policies, grant the Mexican wolf permit to Ladder Ranch, and rescind the rule giving the Commission this authority.

Calls are most effective: 505-476-2200 The Governor’s office may try to tell you to contact the Commission. Please tell them politely, but firmly, that Governor Martinez is responsible for the actions of her Game Commission and your message is for her.

Email: http://www.governor.state.nm.us/Contact_the_Governor.aspx

You can also sign a petition to the Governor here.

Thank you for giving endangered lobos a voice!


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